The Save-A-Lot Grocery Store

The Save-A-Lot Grocery Store -- strategically positioned on 13th Street at Grove, in the heart of the Central-Northeast neighborhood -- serves a vast inner-city population, long-deprived of a healthy source of food. A community -- many of whom are transportation-limited, some disabled, and countless elderly -- who once were limited to choosing their food from costly fast-food shops, convenience stores, or liquor stores.

But, working with federal, state, and local government, and developers, Power C.D.C. brought a fresh new way of life to the inner city, with a grand array of wholesome, healthy food -- modestly priced -- available at a fine new grocery right in the heart of the community.

In the process, the store brought over 30 new jobs to the community -- while helping keep the cost of living down for hundreds, even thousands, of inner-city residents.